
Cross-country Infographic: guiding questions to better understand health worker migration in Europe infographic Cross-country Infographic: where are Europe’s health workers going? infographic Romania Healthcare workers migrating to Romania from the Republic of Moldova report Germany Position paper on the international recruitment of health professionals (Deutsche Plattform für Globale Gesundheit) report Romania Consensus building topics on specialised medical care factsheet Romania Consensus building topics on primary health care in Romania factsheet Romania Consensus building topics on the medical education system in Romania factsheet Romania Consolidating hospital care in Romania: what does this mean, and how can two examples help us find a way forward? article Romania Nurses: a resource of Europe's health systems still undervalued article Romania Medical education system in Romania: a path with aspirations and challenges article Romania Position paper on human resources for health in Romania report Romania Seeking balance: how burnout syndrome can affect Romanian healthcare workers and why it can spur migration article Romania How do we protect our human resources for primary health care? article The Netherlands Position paper on the international recruitment of health workers for the Netherlands report Cross-country Cross-country analysis of health worker mobility across the European Union and neighbouring countries (2010 – 2022) report France Country report on health worker migration and mobility in France report Romania Country report on health worker migration and mobility in Romania report Serbia Country report on health worker migration and mobility in Serbia report Romania Research findings on primary health care report Romania Research findings on specialised medical care report Romania Research findings on the medical education system in Romania report Germany Country report on health worker migration and mobility in Germany report

In the media

EUobserver Tackling 'healthcare drain': lessons from Eastern Europe link Trouw (Dutch) In Turkije cum laude geslaagd, in Nederland aan het werk in de zorg (Aug 26, 2022) link BBC Half of new nurses and midwives come from abroad (May 18, 2022) link Politico EU Commission unveils plans to boost legal migration (April 27, 2022) link International Organization for Migration (IOM) Emigration of health and information and communication technology professionalsfrom Bosnia and Herzegovina (March 21, 2022) link Health Policy Watch At pandemic’s two year milestone: more investment in the world’s nurses is needed – now (March 11, 2022) link Euractiv European Health Union – not wishful thinking, but a reflection of Europeans' real concerns (Feb 21, 2022) link Euractiv Unpaid, undervalued: Women shoulder three-quarters of the burden of EU caregiving (Feb 16, 2022) link Bloomberg Nurses who faced lawsuits for quitting are fighting back (Feb 2, 2022) link Reuters Rich countries' access to foreign nurses during Omicron raises ethical concerns, group says (Jan 24, 2022) link New York Times Rich countries lure health workers from low-income nations to fight shortages (Jan 24, 2022) link People's Health Dispatch Health workers want a fair post-pandemic world (Jan 21, 2022) link International Centre on Nurse Migration Sustain and retain in 2022 and beyond (Jan 2, 2022) link Eurofound COVID-19: A turning point for upward convergence in health and healthcare in the EU? (Sept 30, 2021) link Martin Mckee - European Journal of Public Health Building back better: why we need to fix the health worker divide in Europe (Aug 14, 2021) link ZDF (German) Ausländische Pflegekräfte :"Das grenzt an modernen Menschenhandel" (June 30, 2021) link Vytenis Andriukaitis - The Progressive Post How can we find a balance between free movement and shortages in the healthcare workforce in the EU? (April 7, 2021) link Al Jazeera In Pictures: One of Bulgaria’s oldest doctors in virus fight (Feb 2, 2021) link Public Services International Building Resilience Across Borders: A Policy Brief on Health Worker Migration (Dec 18, 2020) link Correctiv (German) Serbien geht gegen deutsche Vermittler von Pflegekräften wegen illegaler Anwerbung vor (Nov 27, 2020) link Correctiv Nurses for sale: German sector (Nov 25, 2020) link European Journal of Public Health Health professional mobility in the WHO European Region and the WHO Global Code of Practice: data from the joint OECD/EUROSTAT/WHO-Europe questionnaire (Nov 3, 2020) link Euractiv Post-summer COVID news: Hungary’s healthcare workers should see their base salaries double (Sept 1, 2020) link (German) Serbien setzt Kooperation zur Vermittlung von Pflegekräften aus (Feb 19. 2020) link Politico The EU exodus: When doctors and nurses follow the money (Sept 27, 2017) link